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Violinist. Collaborative Pianist.

Born in Hong Kong, violinist Law Wai-Ting Jonathan graduated from the Master of Music in Performance (Violin) at the Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) under the tutelage of international chair Prof. Yair Kless from Israel; with full-tuition scholarship under “Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme” from the HKSAR government. During his studies, he took part in different orchestral projects with Hallé Orchestra and Manchester Camerata. Before studying in the United Kingdom, Jonathan finished his Integrated Bachelor of Business Administration Programme (Marketing) at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). His scholarship at CUHK includes “Kunkle and Pommerenke Scholarship” and “Chung Chi College Departmental Prize”.


Jonathan’s recent competition success includes “Chiang Mai Ginastera International Music Festival” Open Category champion; “Princess Galyani Vadhana International Competition” Piano Trio Group champion; South China Morning Post “Student of the Year” Performing Artist Award runner-up; Hong Kong Generation Next Arts Piano Competition second prize, just to name a few.

Jonathan was taught by Prof. Yang Bao Zhi on the violin; and was trained at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA) Junior Programme under the guidance of Ms. Nancy Loo, Dr. Mary Wu and Mr. Raymond Young in piano. As an experienced collaborative pianist, Jonathan specializes in playing strings and harmonica's repertoire. He was the official piano accompanist for the 1st Hong Kong International Chromatic Harmonica Competition.


Upon his return to Hong Kong, Jonathan has performed extensively along numerous artists  in Hong Kong including Sam Hui, Grasshopper, Joyce Cheng, Terence Lam, C AllStar etc. He is the music director of Strings Amarta and set up his own violin studio to nurture musicians of the next generation.

香港小提琴家羅瑋庭畢業於英國皇家北方音樂學院音樂演奏碩士,師隨以色列敎育家Prof. Yair Kless主修小提琴演奏,由特區政府頒授的「香港卓越獎學金」全額資助修讀。在學期間曾參與英國哈雷管弦樂團和Manchester Camerata的演出。修讀碩士前羅氏在香港中文大學修讀綜合工商管理學士, 因學術成績出眾獲得「龔約翰龐萬倫獎學金」和「崇基學院傑出學生奬學金」。

此外,羅氏近年獲得不少獎頂,包括「甘拉雅妮塔娜公主國際比賽」鋼琴三重奏組冠軍, 「清邁吉納斯特拉國際音樂比賽」公開組冠軍, 「南華早報年度學生 - 藝術家大奬」亞軍和「香港新世代藝術協會鋼琴比賽」亞軍等等。

羅氏自小隨楊寶智教授學習小提琴; 另外在香港演藝學院師隨羅乃新、吳美樂和楊習禮學習鋼琴。他曾任中文大學崇基學院管弦樂團副首席、學士管弦樂團第一小提琴手和喇沙書院管弦樂團首席等等。小提琴以外羅氏是位經驗豐富的鋼琴手,熟悉大部分弦樂與口琴曲目。羅氏為香港第一屆國際口琴大賽的大會伴奏,與來自台灣和馬來西亞的口琴家伴奏。

現為全職音樂人,活躍於樂壇,曾於許冠傑、草蜢、鄭欣宜、林家謙、C AllStar等等的演唱會演出,並於2021年成立「羅瑋庭小提琴工作室」培養下一代弦樂精英。

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